Truth be told, I started using gemstones in my jewelry simply because they're pretty. I mean — have you seen the marble-like green tones in a piece of malachite? Or the shimmer of a faceted pyrite bead? Swoon! But the more I've learned about gemstones and all their energy-lifting properties, I've totally drank the woo-woo kool-aid and I love the idea of choosing stones that mean something or promise healing results. (And when I say "promise", I actually mean "I HOPE they make you feel good!")

Let's take a closer look at some of the stones I use and all the magical super powers they're said to possess.
Hands-down my favorite, these marbled green stones have given me all the feels since I got a malachite ring back in middle school! I've now learned that malachite is a warrior stone that's meant to guard your heart. Love that journey for me! It's even supposed to be helpful for lady problems (think cramps, etc) and apparently it protects against bright fluorescent lighting in office settings. (Huh?) But take this all with a grain of pessimism too because it certainly doesn't ever help me with motion sickness or vertigo, like it's supposed too! I'll forgive malachite though. It's still my favorite!

Not familiar with this beauty? Think of the prettiest Caribbean ocean you can imagine; that's what Amazonite looks like. Apparently, it's said to help the wearer get rid of toxic emotions and that makes sense to me because just looking at it gets my emotions in check. It's also a soothing stone. I mean, hello! Have you ever stared at an aqua-blue sea and not felt soothed? I use this one for the stretch bracelet seen above, too, but I think my favorite Libby & Smee amazonite piece is the double chain earrings. I can practically hear the waves crashing! Can't you?

This shimmery stone, known as "Fools Gold", is a protector stone making it a great gift for someone starting out in a new career. Why? Because it's supposed to be good for manifesting and encouraging your dreams. It's also said to bring wealth to the wearer so I'd say a pair of pyrite earrings is practically like an investment! At the very least, it's an investment in style. ;)

This girl is all about femininity and sensuality — bow chicka wow wow! She also assists with fertility, intuition and compassion (ie: all the best stuff about being a woman.) Moonstone is also said to be a lover stone. I don't pretend to know what that means but if it gets your man to buy you a pair of moonstone earrings for Valentine's Day, then I don't think we should question it...right?

This is another personal favorite. (My class ring in high school had an opal in it!) It's supposed to be great for healing emotions, reducing stress, and releasing anxiety. (aka "mom stuff"). I can't guarantee any of that but I can promise that it's great at matching all of your clothes, taking the guesswork out of getting dressed, and looking positively spectacular! I mean, look how joyful I am about my pink opal hoops...

I just started using this stone and I. Am. Smitten! I mean, sure the grey hue with flecks of greenish-aqua is gorgeous — especially with gold — but it's also said to strengthen artistic energy which is something this designer loves. Labradorite is also a transformation stone making it a great gift for someone going through big changes — like a move, a new job, a new relationship, or even...the change. (Labradorite helps to balance hormones.) Expect lots more labradorite coming soon from Libby & Smee!

Swirly caramel and whisky tones make this stone a stunner and it's been giving me some serious 70s vibes that I can't quite explain. (I think my mom must have worn a lot of it when I was little!) Tiger Eye is said to clear your thinking, to help you to focus, and assist in decision making. Ya know, like the eye of the tiger. Know anyone who could use some of that focusing power? (Me!)

Shiny and opaque, black spinel is another protective stone — something I think we could all use. It's said to repel negativity so maybe wear this beauty if you've got a Karen in your life. Or maybe just wear it cause it's gorgeous!

Hope you liked this guide to gemstones at Libby & Smee! You can find all my gemstone jewelry here. I hope you found some woo-woo that you can use. Let me know if there's a stone that has special meaning for you and I'll see if I can add it to the collection.
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